jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Helping, always together - By Daniela.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the most famous Hollywood couple announced a donation of one million dollars to help Haiti.

With a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale, the earthquake destroyed the center of Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince, killing hundreds of people and left others homeless. The government of Haiti asked for donations to help the rescue forces. And, as they often do , the Jolie-Pitt family have joined the campaign. ‘’It is incredibly horrible to see a catastrophe of this size to hit people who suffer from extreme poverty."said Jolie and Pitt.
The money will go to Doctors Without Borders through the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, established by the two American film stars.
( my opinion, is to speak not to display printed on the project.)
My opinion on the subject is as follows: It is good to help people in need, we know that Haiti is a country that is not well economically, and need help, therefore, making the two actors seems a good example to follow, as for its efforts earn much money, donate a portion of that money is a very big help.
Jolie and Pitt are not only glamorous and talented stars, they are also good people who help others that need it, and not for money or interest.

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