viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

A celebrity in Haiti - By Gisela


Angelina Jolie began two days of meetings with Haiti earthquake victims on Tuesday in her role as a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. refugee agency.
The actress, representing the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, met with U.N. officials in Port-au-Prince and visited an SOS Villages camp for orphans outside the capital, where she was cheered by Haitians yelling, "Angie! Angie!". She and her husband Brad Pitt have contributed $1 million to Doctors Without Borders for its emergency medical operations in Haiti.
Despite all her life dedicated to the screen, she has never left behind the disadvantaged people and she is a person who worries about the world problems.
Angelina Jolie is ambassador of the United Nations taking an active part in the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) organization which takes care of 20 million refugees from 120 countries.
This relationship between the actress and the UNHCR has its origin in a Sierra Leona mission, a small country in Africa. This experience helped her to have direct contact with the daily problems that the refugees suffer and to become aware of the importance of the extern help in these countries.
Since that moment she has put her fame at the disposal of this cause. In 2001 she became ambassador of the United Nations.
As ambassador she used her popularity with the media to draw the attention to the refugees´ case and the terrible conditions where they live.
Since that moment she has fulfilled a lot of camps and welcome centres for refugees in far countries like Tanzania, Cambodia, Pakistan, Namibia, Thailand and Ecuador.
To show these situations, she published personals diaries where she told about some visits to these countries.
This humanitarian work and solidarity has been rewarded with the Humanitarian prize that give the program for the inmigration and for the Church World Service´s refugees.
She also collaborates with Global Action For Children and Doctors Without Borders.

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