jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Facundo Arana climbes Aconcagua

By Guillermina

The young actor once again collaborates with the community promoting blood donation.

Facundo Arana (40 years old) reached the top of Aconcagua on 3rd November to promote the theme “GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES”, once again as he did last year climbing the wall of a 30-storey building.

After climbing for a few days, the young Argentine actor, accompanied by a team of professionals, arrived at the summit of Aconcagua, the highest mountain of Argentina, to send a message to the community showing a flag with the inscription: GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES. He remains an example of a healthy man.

Facundo Arana recovered from leukemia when he was younger. Actor and athlete, he is now an example of a man committed to send important messages to the community.

Photo number 1: Showing the promotional posters "GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES"
Photo number 2: Facundo reached the summit of the Aconcagua.

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