domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

Facundo Arana: he continues surprising us

By Sofía

This time we are not talking about him because of one of his successful jobs on TV, but because of the things that he does to promote solidarity actions, such as donating blood and organs for transplant. Why is it so important to him? Because these little things can save the lives of lots of people, just as, at a certain point, it saved his life.

When he was young, Facundo had to fight against the Hodgkin's disease, which is a kind of cancer, but fortunately he got well.

Arana in the Aconcagua: Facundo has reached the summit of Aconcagua, the highest mountain in America, with 6,962 metres above sea level. Together with Facundo, the mountain guide Ulises Corvalán, his assistant Hernan Netman and the photographer Pablo Betancourt travelled up the mountain. They also put a flag to commemorate the 96th anniversary of the first blood transfusion. Facundo is filming a documentary that is going to be broadcast on Encuentro channel, showing all the process that he went through to climb the mountain.

His commitment with the people: Facundo has been designated ambassador of the FUNDALEU foundation, which helps the community with the investigation, information and treatment of oncological blood diseases

"Poder Se Puede": It's a play in which Facundo stars, together with Nicolas Scarpino. They travel around the country carrying a message. They want the people know about the importance of the early detection of cancer. Also, they donate $10 to FUNDALEU for every ticket they sell.

These are reasons for Facundo to be admirable. He is a really brilliant actor, quite a gentleman, but most important, he is a very good person.

Juan Sebastián Verón

By Nicolás

Verón was born on March 9, 1975, in La Plata (Buenos Aires). He is a soccer player and he made his debut in First Division in Estudiantes de La Plata Club. . He is 35 years old and he has a son called Deian. Juan Sebastian Veron, an Argentinian footballer nicknamed The “Brujita”, is the son of footballer Juan Ramon Veron “La Bruja”, a football star in the 1960s in the Estudiantes de la Plata that won the 1968 Intercontinental Cup against Manchester United at Old Trafford. Estudiantes de La Plata was the only team who could win a title at that stadium.

As an example of how people can help the world, the Estudiantes team have given toys to the hospital “Sor María Lodovica”. Verón, together with Dr Rivas, gave toys for the leukemia patients.

Verón always thinks of ways to help. He donates 40% of his salary to the amateur football at Estudiantes Club, and he also donated a new bus to the lower division players to use for transport to the matches.

In 2004 and 2005, Verón donated 3 million pesos to refurbish the “Country” (training fields and facilities) in City Bell. In 2006, he bought part of his transfer, and he left the Inter Club and came to play for ``El Pincha´´. In 2009 Verón donated 50% of his salary to improve football player Braña’s contract, and he rejected an offer from Mexico.

Verón decided to receive payment for doing commercials for different products (yoghurt, milk, chocolate milk and desserts) by the end of the year, and donate it to all the lower divisions and children of the institution. For this reason, the Department of Youth Soccer Club thanked the Verón family for a gesture that deserves to be imitated by all the referents in Argentine football teams.

jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

A woman of great heart whose work helps people who nobody knows

By Nazarena

Patricia Sosa, a well-known singer, helps the Native Americans of Argentina, so they can live better. As we all know, she is a famous singer. But one day, she decided to do something more important with her life, something new for her, something that could help others.

Patricia once went on tour with her musicians all over Argentina, and this would be for the benefit of those in need (visiting cities, provinces, etc,). She arrived in the Gran Chaco, and she found a very particular community, ‘’The Tobas’’. This community was like all the Native American communities of today; they needed many things, for example: food, housing and, the most important thing, an IDENTITY.
She chose to help this community because one day she received a letter from them telling her a story.

The story is that the natives were in their villages and suddenly a car passed along the road, but in the car the people were listening to a song: a song by Patricia. The natives believe in the gods of nature, and they then went to consult the God of Fire (which is only disturbed by an extreme need) and they asked him for help. The God said, “LET HELP COME ALONE, THIS IS A FOOTPRINT FROM THE ROAD, A GREAT HELP FOR US ALL.” That's why Patricia was shocked by this story, and decided to help the natives FOREVER with affection, with medical professionals, with food, houses, etc, always doing benefit concerts, raising money, making payments, building schools etc.

We are all from Argentina and have the same rights. The Tobas need the help of someone special as Patricia, and through her, the natives now have what to eat, they have a house, and they have a name .

Scientists from the UNLP make a new healthy ice cream

By Micaela

Researchers from the National University of La Plata managed to create and produce healthy ice creams with phytosterols and omega 3 fatty acids, two factors that reduce the levels of cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular illnesses.

After more than one year, the ice cream will be in the market in the next days. We can get it in four flavours: lemon, strawberry, American cream and “dulce de leche” or milk caramel.

The director of ProPIA (Programme for the Prevention of Infarcts in Argentina), Marcelo Tavella, explained that “we cannot make people stop eating ice cream. But we can make a healthy ice cream”. He also added: “If we want people to have a healthy life and a better diet, we have to provide them with healthy food options everywhere and all the time”.

Seven researchers from ProPIA and from the School of Medicine of the National University of La Plata, along with food engineers from the same university, have worked for one year and a half to develop the product.

“If we recommend people that they take a pill to incorporate omega 3 fatty acids, they probably won’t do it. But few will say no to eating an ice cream,” said Franchini, an ice cream shop owner.

On average, each Argentine consumes between 3.5 and 4 kg of ice cream per year. When the summer ends we expect to increment this figure by 35%. In this scenario, experts consider important that “The growth potential is still large, because we are well below global average ice cream consumption, which is 12kg per person.”

Thanks to these researchers, now the ice cream is delicious as well as healthy.

The most generous couple in Hollywood

By Lucas and Fabricio

Since 2006 until this year, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have donated millions of dollars to different charities.

They are the most famous couple in Hollywood and they are also the most generous. They have a foundation called ‘Jolie-Pitt’ and they help people who really need it. They care about the environment, adoption, fostering orphans, poverty and animals, because everybody needs help at some time.

They have a website ( where you can donate money to help them and where you can see the current projects. For example, now they are doing things for education, healthcare, they want to save Asian elephants, etc.

In 2006 they donated 2.5 million dollars to ‘Medicos sin fronteras’ and the Global AISA Alliance. That same year they helped ‘La Cruz Roja de Namibia’ with 140,000 dollars. Namibia means a lot for them, because their first daughter was born there.

This year they donated one million dollars to help the people in Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake.

But the most important thing is that they have adopted three children from different countries and now they have a wonderful family.

Now, they continue doing good things for people. That’s why we have no doubts that they are excellent persons and that they’re an example to follow.

A person who tries to make a better world

By Gisela and Macarena

Juan Carr is a veterinary surgeon and biology teacher who founded, together with his wife and three friends, an NGO called “Red Solidaria”. This NGO tries to unite people who need something with people who can give something too.
When he was twenty-five years old, Juan Carr had cancer, which turned him into a more sensitive person and he started to help people who were in the same situation as him.
In 1995 he founded Red Solidaria. Their first experience was helping a child who needed a blood transfusion. They needed eight donors and 140 people answered the call.
At the beginning the NGO received lot of calls from people who needed help but nowadays Red Solidaria receives calls from people who want to give clothes, medicines and their time to help others.
Red Solidaria has also carried forward a project to promote reading in Argentina. Also, Missing Children is part of the NGO which tries to find lost children.
Juan Carr thinks that people show solidarity only with the environment or social problems, but it shouldn’t be like this. People must always help, all the time. His dream is to eradicate hunger in the world, or at least in Argentina.
Carr is an optimistic person, who in 2008 was nominated to receive the Nobel Peace Price, and who a lot of people consider a most trustworthy and enterprising man.

Caring and committed local actor

By Gianna

Do you know anybody who helps other people? Well, Lito Cruz is one of them. He is a famous actor and he was born in Berisso. Despite his work, he has time to help the people of his town.

When he was little, Lito lived in Nueva York Street with his family, when that place next to the port received the immigrants. The operation of the meat processing plants was very important there because it gave work to a lot of people. When the factories closed, the neighbourhood lost splendour.

Some time ago groups of neighbours joined to recover their neighbourhood. Among those people was Lito Cruz. He told the story of the Nueva York Street in front of the president. So they declared that Street a “National Monument”. For that reason Lito is committed to recover the Nueva York Street.

He had an interview with the headmasters of the Number 9 School and the Number 12 Secondary School. They talked about the project to recover that special place. About the plans of the neighbourhood, Cruz said that the provincial authorities are thinking about the work to do in the Nueva York Street, which includes home repairs, new lights and repair to sidewalks and streets.

“Now it is time for the people from Berisso, the town hall and the people from the schools to carry out this stage to recover our loved street,” said Lito. His dream and the other people’s dream is to see the Nueva York Street as a place full of life and a tourist and cultural centre, active with work.

With these things Lito Cruz, the famous actor who was born in Berisso, shows us his love for his town and the people who live here.

Photo: At The last Immigrants' Festival Lito was there, showing his love for Berisso.

Facundo Arana climbes Aconcagua

By Guillermina

The young actor once again collaborates with the community promoting blood donation.

Facundo Arana (40 years old) reached the top of Aconcagua on 3rd November to promote the theme “GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES”, once again as he did last year climbing the wall of a 30-storey building.

After climbing for a few days, the young Argentine actor, accompanied by a team of professionals, arrived at the summit of Aconcagua, the highest mountain of Argentina, to send a message to the community showing a flag with the inscription: GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES. He remains an example of a healthy man.

Facundo Arana recovered from leukemia when he was younger. Actor and athlete, he is now an example of a man committed to send important messages to the community.

Photo number 1: Showing the promotional posters "GIVING BLOOD SAVES LIVES"
Photo number 2: Facundo reached the summit of the Aconcagua.

Not only a great musician

By Facundo

Sir Paul Daniel Hewson, better known as Bono, is a member of the rock band U2 who was born in Dublin on May 10, 1960. But he is not only a famous singer, he is also committed to the humanitarian cause in Africa, and he´s in favor of the cancellation of the third world countries’ external debts. That´s why he was nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005, 2006 and 2010.
Since 1999, he got involved, increasingly, in campaigning for the cancellation of the Third World debt. In May 2002, he led the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States on a tour through four African countries. That same year, Bono founded, along with Bobby Shriver and activists of the movement Juvilee 2000 “Drop the Debt”, the DATA organization whose aim is to warn of the bad debts that the continent has, as well as uncontrolled AIDS transmission and unjust commercial rules which harm its impoverished citizens.
He has supported or collaborated with organizations like International Amnesty, Free Burma, The Chernobyl Children´s Project, The One Campaign and Greenpeace.
He has been declared “European of the year” by the European Voice magazine in 2001 and Knight of the Legion d´Honneur in 2003; he was given the “Musicares” award for ”Person of the year” by the Grammy Academy in 2003; he was elected by the Time Magazine as “Man of the year” in 2005; he obtained the “Centenario Pablo Neruda” medal of Chile in 2004 and a prize from the German press for his social work in 2005, and he was appointed as a Knight of the Order of the British Empire on December 23, 2006 by the British Embassy in Dublin.

Prevention in Añatuya

By Ana Paula

“Haciendo Caminos” is a foundation which provides different programmes to assist families and prevent diseases.

Catalina Hornos is an Argentinian psychologist. She’s the president of “Haciendo Caminos”. She’s 26 years old and she was born in Buenos Aires, but she moved house to Añatuya to assist the suffering people and provide a personal solution to their problems.

Catalina studied in a traditional university in Buenos Aires. She found a reason and felt a commitment with one of the communities from Santiago del Estero.

In this foundation, a lot of children are assisted because they haven’t got the correct size and weight for their age. Moreover, Catalina Hornos and her team help families with occupations and workshops.

Today in Añatuya, in Santiago del Estero, a lot of mothers know how to feed their children and monitor their pregnancy thanks to “Haciendo Caminos”.

When U smile I smile

By Micaela

Shakira is a famous singer and dancer, and she is also the creator of a foundation called “PIES DESCALZOS” (“Bare Feet”). Shakira works with UNICEF. She is their dance teacher and she helps the people of Haiti too.
Maria Emma Mejia is the president of the foundation; she has donated 2300 pairs of trainers to the poor kids, together with Shakira. In 2008, they created the “Educational Institution” and “communicative centre” of the foundation. The TEAM are Maria Emma Mejia (chief Executive officer), Patricia Sierra (programmes director) and obviously, Shakira who is the creator of the foundation.
A public school in Barranquilla, built 2 years ago, has already achieved a high level of education according to the organization chiefs. The school in question is the “PIES DESCALZOS” Educational Institution. The majority of its students, children of reintegrated people or family members of displaced citizens and of low socioeconomic status, obtained above average scores on the recent “Saber 11” tests. One of them, NESTOR ALEJANDRO TORRES CHAMORRO, even achieved the 52th place score in the entire country.
Now Shakira is helping more children in Africa. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP THE WORLD?

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

Brazil’s son finishes his administration - by Raúl

A founder member of the Worker’s Party (PT- Partido dos Trabalhadores), he unsuccessfully ran for presidency three times, first in the 1989 election. Lula finally achieved victory in the 2002 poll and was named president on 1st January 2003.
In the 2006 election he was re-elected for a second term as President ending on January 2011.
His administration is among the most controversial and popular in the history of Brazil. His social programmes include: Bolsa Família and Fome Zero with additional provision of food and kitchen gas. Fame Zero has a government budget and accepts donations from the private sectors and international organizations. The Bolsa Família programme has been praised internationally for its achievements, despite internal criticism accusing it of having been turned into an electoral weapon.
Lula has played a prominent role in recent international relations developments, including the nuclear programme of Iran, global warming and Mercosur. In 2010, Time magazine named him one of the most influential leaders of the world.
Lula, due to leave office on January 2011, the day when Dilma Rousseff will come to power, is presently rated the most popular Brazilian president of all times, reaching 80,5% population acceptance on his last months as a president.

Ending violence - by Matías

Barack Obama finishes war in Afghanistan

Barack Obama is the current president of the United States. He is the first black man to come to power in that country. Obama was senator for Illinois from January 2005 to 2008, when he decided to renounce .His presidential campaign began on February 2007, on his speech he was very clear on the main politics: finish the war with Iraq and Afghanistan, enhance energy independence and give universal health care . In the 2008 general election, he defeated Republican nominee John McCain and started government on January 20, 2009. In foreign policy, Obama withdrew combat troops from Iraq and signed an arms control treaty with Russia. On October 9, 2009, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Early in his presidency, Obama decided to increase the troops in sending 30000 more soldiers. He ordered troop withdrawals 18 months after that date.
Right now, it is a very difficult moment of his government because secret reports have appeared on the website that produced diplomatic problems.

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

León Gieco performed the project "World Wings " with disabled artists - By Florencia

The story of a Group of disabled artists will be in the documentary “Wings World”

Pancho Chebez plays the harmonica; Alejandro Davio, the guitar; both compose and sing. Also Maxi Lemos; and Carina Spina sing, with perfect voices. Dancers, there are several: Juan Paul Perez; Demián Frontera, Sandra Gonzalez and Maria Laura Vicente, of the group Soul; Karina Amado, Lucrecia Pereyra Mazzara, Nidia Scalzo, Eduardo Spasaro and Javier Trunso, of the group of dance tango of the Association To love.
They are a part of the list that León Gieco chose join him and his keyboard player and producer Luis Gurevich, in World By Wings or Wings World, the national tour that was realized between August and October last year. In the scenes there were in addition Carlos Sosa and Antonella Semaan and Raúl Romero, as host of the shows. They all gave shape to a dream that the santafesino had planned for fifteen years: to share a long-term project with disabled artists.
He discovered them in his concerts, when they were coming to him to ask for some time to show Leon their art.
" The movie emphasizes their art, in energy, longings, projects ", adds Schindel. According to Gieco, his fellow travellers also want to explain to the parents of the disabled children that they should not be ashamed of their children; that children have exactly other capacities, which we do not have, or we lost".
" They are not competitive, have an unconditional permanent love, they are supportive, they do not discriminate, and they believe and hope all the time. They are people who have an enthusiasm for life that reflects all your miseries” - the musician stands out.
“They see a world that they cannot realize; because of it they create other capacities. What we fail to learn, is to seeing these other capacities that they develop; and for this reason we do this tour".

Helping, always together - By Daniela.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the most famous Hollywood couple announced a donation of one million dollars to help Haiti.

With a magnitude of 7.0 on the Richter scale, the earthquake destroyed the center of Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince, killing hundreds of people and left others homeless. The government of Haiti asked for donations to help the rescue forces. And, as they often do , the Jolie-Pitt family have joined the campaign. ‘’It is incredibly horrible to see a catastrophe of this size to hit people who suffer from extreme poverty."said Jolie and Pitt.
The money will go to Doctors Without Borders through the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, established by the two American film stars.
( my opinion, is to speak not to display printed on the project.)
My opinion on the subject is as follows: It is good to help people in need, we know that Haiti is a country that is not well economically, and need help, therefore, making the two actors seems a good example to follow, as for its efforts earn much money, donate a portion of that money is a very big help.
Jolie and Pitt are not only glamorous and talented stars, they are also good people who help others that need it, and not for money or interest.

To the field for a smile - By Julián

With Zanetti and his friends, football was supportive again.

Javier Zanetti's ONG organized a charitable football match in Banfield's stadium. In the meeting football players and ex-football players got together in two teams: The Foundation and Zanetti’s friends. The Foundation, won for 9 to 4.
The Foundation PUPI (For an integrated childhood), created and directed by the Inter football player and Argentinian football team member, helps approximately a hundred boys from the south Buenos Aires’s "conurbano".
The Friends of Pupi, with white vests, included Mariano Andújar, Matías Córdoba, Enzo Francescoli, the actor Nicolás Cabré, Mariano Dalla Líbera, Diego Placente, Roberto Trotta, Gustavo Barros Schelotto, Gabriel Hauche, Néstor Ortigoza, Adrián Gonzalez and Adrián Czornomaz.

While with the green Banfield shirt of the Foundation Pupi played Germán Denis,Zanetti himself, Fernando Redondo, Sergio Goycochea, Lucas Barrios, the singer Axel, Leonel Gancedo, Bruno Marioni, the Colombian Iván Ramiro Córdoba and Jorge Patrulla Jiménez.
The umpire was Francisco Lamolina.
Zanetti said: It didn’t matter the result of the match. None of the people present left the match with the feeling of having lost. Because there was no better victory than to have helped for a noble reason ".
About Pupi Foundation:
With an egalitarian and supportive vision, it generates a model of development for the most vulnerable sector of society.
The offer is a strategy partner education, directed to social sectors that live through the reality of exclusion and are organized for the resolution of unsatisfied needs, specially education, health, housing and work.

Matamoros: The Right to Study - by Paula

During the Ibero-American Summit in Argentina, government officials and Latin American leaders pledged to eradicate illiteracy by 2015. The Achilles’ heel of Latin America "is the quality of education," said Bokova, general director of Unesco.

She added that "There are very rapid development processes in Latin America, but the disparities are growing, so to ensure a good education is also to ensure more inclusive societies. Education is now crucial for both developed and middle-income countries, especially when there is a global crisis. "

That’s why Alexander Mora Matamoros created in April 2010 in Costa Rica, with a group of professionals who seek training to help people with a desire to excel and build a future, an organization with the purpose of developing scholarship programs. They try to train professionals in different fields such as medicine and science.
They seek to channel donations to the creation of scholarships for low-income people who wish to study and become professionals.

Nothing and nobody can take away the right to study.

Do you know Patricia Sosa? - By Ana Laura

The singer is organizing a Christmas charity for the Tobas.

Patricia Sosa went to Chaco and after seeing the poverty in which the Tobas lived, she made the foundation “Pequeños Gestos, Grandes Logros”.
After the death of two little children, the Toba chiefs were doing a fire ritual, when a car came near them from where they heard a Patricia Sosa’s song.
One of the chiefs felt the song as a message, and he went to the city to see who this woman was, when he discovered that the woman was Patricia Sosa. Asking for her, she found out that Patricia Sosa was going to give a concert in Cordoba, and then she travelled there and Leith a letter explaining why she was there and the problems of her tribe.
When Patricia Sosa and her team of collaborators travelled to Chaco, they discovered the horrible situation in which the tribe lived: People affected by the Chagas diseñase and malnutrition, lack of food and drinkable water.
They came with three trucks of food, clothes and shoes, but it wasn´t enough because the Tobas had a lot more of needs. Then, they made the foundation called “Pequeños Gestos, Grandes Logros”, dedicated to help this tribe.

They go to give the tribe medical attention, shoes and work Tools, but they always need more help, then Patricia Sosa usually organizes concerts and parties in aid of the Tobas. Now the foundation wants people to collaborate with a sweet bread and a new toy to give in this Christmas to the Toba children. For more information you can call 4208-3591.
Patricia Sosa presented the book “Cuento con vos”, with fourty-nine stories of celebrities like Susana Giménez, Valeria Lynch and Julio Bocca. Its collections are going to g oto her foundation.
With her foundation Patricia Sosa can make us learn about the forgotten part of Chaco, the real Chaco, formed by a village that was always, resisting the time and the oblivion. Do you know Chaco?

A fighter for kids - by Pilar

In honor of her daughter, a cancer victim, Edith created the foundation Natalí Dafne Flexer.

Edith Grynszpancholc is 53 years old. She lives in Buenos Aires and is a Flag Bearer contestant, and she helps children with cancer and their families.Edith´s daughter died of cancer.
Flag Bearer is an annual award that recognizes those Argentines who stand out for their dedication to others.
Edith said “Kids have so much fun that when have to get some tratament , for example , they are encouraged and eager to return to their game”.
Edith created a foundation called Flexer, this foundation is in honor to Edith´s daughter Natalí.This foundation (Natalí Dafne Flexer) gives parents information about trataments and medicines are given to those who cannot afford it , as well as wheelchairs. As she lived all this with her daughter, she knows what parents think. Edith created a series of aids for parents and patients to be together and happy, in the four sites (Posadas Hospital, Hospital Casa Cuna, Tucuman and Bahia Blanca) more than 1000 kids with cancer a month can play, relax and express themselves.
During treatment of her daughter Natalie she used to encourage other patients who shared rooms, because for him when children play, parents feel happier and more peaceful and if they are relaxed, if they feel heard, if they get answers, they can accompany their children best. Also on the program Showmatch (Dancing for a dream), the dream of one of the participants who danced was to help the foundation Flexer, these paticipants weren´t winners but helped to the foundation. Many people say that she is a "fighter for kids" because she always thinks about and helps the kids that have cancer in honor to her daughter Natalí.

miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

What do you know about St. Bernard dogs?

By Mariano

St. Bernard dogs have four names in English: St. Bernard, Alpine Mastiff, Hospice dog and Sacred dog. They live in the mountains in Sweden.
They have got a big round head, dark medium-size eyes, medium-size ears, and a big black nose. There are two types: some have got short hair, others have got long hair. In general, they have got white fur with brown-reddish spots. They have got a long tail. The males are 70 cm tall andt he females are 65 cm tall. They have got a big body. They weigh between 55 and 90 kg.
St Bernard dogs usually have between 2 and 6 puppies and they usually live 8 or 10 years. They eat everything, mainly meat. They are omnivores.
St Bernard dogs are very noble. They rescue and save people in the snow, especially in the high mountains, for example The Alps. They are very strong dogs and they are great friends of the world.

What do you know about Newfoundland dogs?

By Melanie

Newfoundland dogs live in Canada. They have got a big head, small dark eyes, small ears, a deep chest and a strong and big tail. They have got a big body: they weigh between 64 and 68 kg. They have got big, strong feet. They are 71 cm tall.
They eat everything, mainly meat. They are omnivores.
They are very good at swimming, so they rescue people in the water or in ships. They are intelligent, loyal and docile. They are also guardian dogs. Newfoundland dogs are great friends of the world.

What do you know about earthworms?

By Regina

Earthworms live in the earth. They have got a long small body with a hundred rings or segments. They are protected by a thin and transparent membrane. They have an important digestive system with 2 stomachs. They also have a complex and effective circulatory system and an advanced nervous system. They´ve got 5 hearts! They haven´t got any teeth or bones. They are brown, pink and red. They eat leaves and plants and earthy substances.
Earthworms aerate and mix the soil. They help the soil and plants. Thanks to the earthworms, air and water enter the soil. The result is soil FERTILITY, and this is important. Earthworms convert large pieces of organic matter into humus. Humus is very FERTILE.
Earthworms help the planet because they help the plants. Plants give people oxygen. Earthworms are great friends of the world.

What do you know about dairy cows?

By Lucas

Dairy cows live in farms in the country. They are white and black they have got a big head, small eyes, a long tail, small horns, a big mouth, a big tongue, four long legs and udders. They eat cereals, plants and grass.
Dairy cows give people MILK. People drink milk: it is very good for our body and bones. We also cook with milk: we make cheese, yoghurt, butter, cream, ice cream, cakes and many more things.
Dairy cows are great friends of the world.

What do you know about guide dogs?

By Mateo

Guide dogs live in houses in the city. They’ve got four legs, a small nose, two eyes, two ears and a small tail. They are black, brown or white.

Guide dogs eat everything, mainly meat.

Guide dogs help blind people to walk, to cross the street, to go shopping and around the house. Guide dogs are great friends of the world.

What do you know about sheep?

By Valentina

Sheep live in farms and in the country.

They’ve got two small eyes, a small nose, a small mouth, four medium-size legs and a small tail. They are white and brown.

Sheep eat plants and grass. They are herbivores.

Sheep give people wool. Thanks to the sheep, we’ve got sweaters, scarves, vests, coats, shawls, baby shoes, hats, socks and blankets. Sheep are great friends of the world.

What do you know about guide dogs?

By Nahuel

Guide dogs live in houses in the city. They’ve got four legs, two eyes, a small nose, one mouth, a big tail and big body. They are white or brown.

Guide dogs eat everything, mainly meat.

Guide dogs are different from pets. They are trained. They adapt to different places .Guide dogs help blind people.

Guide dogs help blind people to walk, to cross the street, to go shopping and around the house. Guide dogs are great friends of the world.

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

"Solidarity is in everyday life" - By Julián

Juan Caar was nominated for The Nobel Peace prize.

Juan Caar was nominated for The Nobel Peace prize.

Juan Carr and their association against hunger in Argentina drew attention to
The evaluation committee of the Nobel Peace Prize. He and their association
Were nominated for their care, support and solidarity with people who are starving.
They spent nine years since John Carr met with five friends in order to help the needy. A Concern that strengthened over time. Today he is the director of Red Solidaria, the renowned institution that aims to establish a link between those who need help and who can lend a hand.
"Today I can say that we have met the target. This networking scheme has helped save lives. When one discovers that there is a system that benefits society, one wants more .We have fullfilled the purpose, but there are still 18 million poor people in the country and 2000 million poor people in the world, "said the vet.
"Everyone can find their place in the culture of solidarity."
With an average of 100 calls per day, Red Solidaria can respond to those who need to be helped. Over 60% calls come from people who want to volunteer, clothing and medicines to the needy. Only 40% report for assistance

What are the next challenges?

The next challenge is coming. There are kids who are kidnapped and not found. There are 6000 Argentine waiting for a transplant. And every couple of hours an under 5 year-old child dies of malnutrition. But each of the stories is a challenge.

Solidarity Network was nine years old, what were the most significant accomplishments?

”We always share the achievements with society, because everything we do we do it with people and other institutions. Each transplant is a significant success. We are looking for more than 1100 children. Among many other things.”

To achieve its objective, the Solidarity Network works with more than 300 organizations, which collaborate in finding solutions to problems. And by all means possible to find them.

Solidarity is always present - By Mara


Vicente Ferrer, was considerate one of the most active people in helping, solidarity and cooperation with the disadvantage. He was born on April 9 in 1920. He was a Spanish philanthropist who developed his activity principally in Southern India. He united to POUM (Workers' Party of the Marxist Unification). He married Anne Perry, an English journalist. Together they founded the organization Rural Development Trust. Since 1996 he had had his own foundation: the Vicente Ferrer foundation. This foundation has the objective helping people overcome poverty by a sustainable development that means (for example) universal education. Through donations the foundation employs 1800 people, manages 5 hospitals, one specialized in people who suffer from AIDS and more than thousand of schools, one of them for blind children, another one for deaf, one for children with down syndrome and one for handicap children, 1696 schools, 30.000 households and 2,7 millions of trees planted. On the 20 of March in 2009 Vicente was taken to the Anantapur hospital after suffering a cerebrovascular accident. He died on the 19 of July at 89 because of respiratory complications. After Vicente Ferrer died in the month of June lots of people through social nets like Facebook began asking for the Nobel Peace Prize to recognize his work and that of his foundation. In October an external platform for NGO decided to submit a formal candidature for the Nobel Peace Prize 2010.In the Anantapur region almost 4 millon people live and 35% live in abject poverty so the 2009-2010 project of Vicente Ferrer Foundation is building 53 homes for those families that are excluded.
The Vicente Ferrer is a prize for cooperation created by the Spanish Association of International Development Cooperation (AECI) and the Ministry of Education given since the 14 of September in 2009.
These days this foundation still helps more and more people…

BONO VOX: an example to follow - By Julieta

-Beside having an incredible voice, bono is a friend of the world-

Sir Paul David Hewson better known by his pen name Bono, was born in Dublin, on May 10th, 1960), he is an Irish, integral musician member of the rock band U2 and political activist specially compromised with the humanitarian cause in Africa and in favour of the cancellation of the foreign debt of the countries of the third world, labor recognized by others for his consecutive nominations to the Peace Nobel Prize in 2005, 2006 and 2010.
Since 1999 he has intervened increasingly in campaigns in favour of the cancellation of the foreign debt of the third world. In May, 2002, he guided the Secretary of the Treasure of the United States Paul O'Neill in a tour across four African countries. The same year, Bono founded, together with Bobby Shriver and other activist of the movement Jubilee 200, "Drop the Debt", the organization  DATES whose aim is to be alert on to the unpayable debts that the continent bears, the pandemic transmission of AIDS and the unfair rules of trade that damage their impoverished citizens.
Bono has collaborated with organizations such as International Amnesty, Free Burma, The Chernobyl Children's Project, The One Campaign and Green Peace, as well as the f foundation NETWORK, which also done has a concern about AIDS in Africa, the above mentioned foundation is associated with very important brands of prestige as DELL, Microsoft, Apple, Gap and Nike.
Also he helped in Live Aid's massive concerts in 1985 and the Live 8 in 2005 organized by Bob Geldof in on demand to from the group of the countries of the G-8 of for major help for the African population.
European Voice has declared him a "European of the year" in 2001, gentleman of the Legion of French Honour in 2003, he won the prize "Musicaries" to the "Personage of the year" of the Academy of the Grammy in 2003, the choice on the part of the magazine Steals as the man of the year in 2005, the obtaining of the medal Centenary Paul Neruda of Chile in 2004, the prize of German means for his social labor in 2005 or his appointment as gentleman of the Order of the British Empire, announced on December 23, 2006 by the embassy of the United Kindom in Dublin.
On May, 2010, this exemplar gentleman had an emergency surgery at the Munich Hospital, after he had suffered an accident in a reharsal of his tour
This man, really is an example to follow.


Pimpinela is composed of Joaquín and Lucía Galán, who are brother and sister. they were born in Buenos Aires and their parents are from Spain.
Lucia and Joaquin started to play music in 1981, and they have sustained their success since then.
In 1994, Mexico and USA were surprised by Pimpinela, when they acted in protest against Dick Mountjoy who had presented a law (number 187) proposing to deprive illegal immigrants of social services, medical services and public education. In support of the cause, they wrote a song called ‘Come What May’ where they showed a family which is arrested by the police when they are trying to cross the border ilegally. This video-song was supported by the citizens.
After this experience, in 1995, Lucia and Joaquin took part in the cause of the distressed children and they created a civil organization, and in 1996 they opened 'Pimpinela for Childen', where 25 children between 1 and 12 years old can live for free.
After 17 years, Pimpinela is still dreaming about a better world. They want to open a new 'Pimpinela's House' this year, to give a home to other 25 children. But this year the dream gets bigger, Lucia and Joaquin want to give help to children with Down syndrome too.

A celebrity in Haiti - By Gisela


Angelina Jolie began two days of meetings with Haiti earthquake victims on Tuesday in her role as a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. refugee agency.
The actress, representing the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, met with U.N. officials in Port-au-Prince and visited an SOS Villages camp for orphans outside the capital, where she was cheered by Haitians yelling, "Angie! Angie!". She and her husband Brad Pitt have contributed $1 million to Doctors Without Borders for its emergency medical operations in Haiti.
Despite all her life dedicated to the screen, she has never left behind the disadvantaged people and she is a person who worries about the world problems.
Angelina Jolie is ambassador of the United Nations taking an active part in the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) organization which takes care of 20 million refugees from 120 countries.
This relationship between the actress and the UNHCR has its origin in a Sierra Leona mission, a small country in Africa. This experience helped her to have direct contact with the daily problems that the refugees suffer and to become aware of the importance of the extern help in these countries.
Since that moment she has put her fame at the disposal of this cause. In 2001 she became ambassador of the United Nations.
As ambassador she used her popularity with the media to draw the attention to the refugees´ case and the terrible conditions where they live.
Since that moment she has fulfilled a lot of camps and welcome centres for refugees in far countries like Tanzania, Cambodia, Pakistan, Namibia, Thailand and Ecuador.
To show these situations, she published personals diaries where she told about some visits to these countries.
This humanitarian work and solidarity has been rewarded with the Humanitarian prize that give the program for the inmigration and for the Church World Service´s refugees.
She also collaborates with Global Action For Children and Doctors Without Borders.

Do you really know Liam Gallagher? By Joaquín

Everybody knows Liam Gallagher for being a musician and a frontman of the band Oasis, and specially for his aggressive attitude, but nobody knows his kind side.

Liam Gallagher donating a guitar to help dogs.
William John Paul “Liam” Gallagher, born 21 of September of 1972, has been one of the figureheads of the 1990’s britpop movement, as the lead singer and frontman of Oasis, and remains one of the biggest figures in modern British music.
He is also famous for his erratic behaviour, his alcohol addiction, and his constant fights with members of the band, specially his brother Noel Gallagher, and other famous people, like Robbie Williams, whom he called “fat dancer”, Phil Collins, for saying “everybody hates Phil Collins, and if they don’t, they should”, James Blunt, the band Blur, for accusingv them of plagiarism, and others, like Britney Spears, Elton john, and the Backstreet Boys. His relationship was so terrible with his brother that Noel was forced to leave the band.
But that’s not the side of Liam that we want to talk about today, we are telling you about his good side.
It Is known that Liam loves animals, so he organized with the foundation PUP AID, a festival, to raise money for their cause: save and take care of homeless dogs.
In it, it’s programmed to be a dogs parade, and a very important music festival, but the most important thing is Liam’s collaboration, because he is donating a guitar, signed by him and many other rock stars, to be auctioned, next December.
Surprising, right? So don’t ever judge anybody, because even the worst person, may have a kind heart.