viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

The Other Side Of Acting - Constanza

Facundo Arana is not only an actor who has been working on television, theatre, cinema, caring, humane man.

Last year, he and Nicolas Scarpino toured the country presenting “Poder…se puede.” This is a play in which $10 of the prize of the ticket was donated to LALCEC (LIGA ARGENTINA DE LUCHA CONTRA EL CANCER) and FUNDALEU (FUNDACION PARA COMBATIR LA LEUCEMIA) . In addition to this, at the end of last year all the money raised in a performance was for charity.

What is more, in the summer, he jumped into the sea from a helicopter to catch people’s attention , and then he shot from the top of a building and hung a notice that said: “DONATING BLOOD SAVES LIVES “

Among the latest things that he has done we can mention his climb to the highest mountain in America , the Aconcagua .On a recent occasion while he was making a documentary he realized that it was a good time to promote solidarity actions. At that time, he carried a band to commemorate the 96ª Anniversary of the first blood transfusion.

A few days ago, he collaborated with Patricia Sosa’s foundation who helps Tobas ‘community where Facundo and several actors painted their hands and put them on a t-shirt which will be auctioned on Mercado libre’s web page for food.

To conclude this article, I definitely believe that Facundo Arana is a friend of the world who is always willing to accept a new challenge to collaborate with society.

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