viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

MSF,helping with the heart - Eugenia

Medicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) is a medical and humanitarian organization that helps people that have undergone a natural or human catastrophe or a war, without discriminating on sex, religion, political opinion, race or philosophy. It was created on 21th December in 1971 by a group of French doctors.

In 1999 MSF won the Nobel Prize for his professional independent and effective work, helping people and for its contribution against discrimination.

The organization works in 65 countries such as Spain, France, Netherlands and Switzerland in collaboration with 2000 professionals including doctors, nurses, engineers and psychologists from all over the world.

Some of the members are Raquel Rosenberg, Javiera Puentes, Roxana Terán Márquez, Diego Machado, Andrés Carot, Belén Caminoa, Yasna Alarcón Vandulli, María Laura Vasilchin, Martín Cazenave, Andrés Carot, Santiago Pinnel, Daniela Garone, Clara Declare and Ivan French. They usually work in different missions like helping people with HIV, giving medical attention in Nigeriaand also in Haití, vaccination campaigns and helping people with Mal de Chagas in Paraguay.

Ivan French is an Argentinian doctor. He is a member of the organization. He was working as a prediatrician when he was sent on his first mission with MSF in Central African Republic, in which there are poor conditions and high mother and infant mortality.

Since the moment he landed in the country, he knew that it would be a new exciting experience, and he was right. There were children playing football in the middle of the street, causing a long queue of cars, but believe it or not , the drivers were waiting patiently. The most enviable experience he had was being under a true african rain.

For 4 months he was working there as a pediatrician he learnt that the heat is constant as well as the typical dampness of the place. Children and adults are always laughting and playing football matches.

French told us that people in Central African Republic are naturally extroverted and friendly, and that although they speak another language, called " Sango", they make you understand their feelings. For example when they were grateful they gave him some fruit.

He also learnt that in the most humble places we can find friendiest and happiest people.

Currently Ivan is helping people with colera in Haití. They have helped almost 16,500 people.

The Other Side Of Acting - Constanza

Facundo Arana is not only an actor who has been working on television, theatre, cinema, caring, humane man.

Last year, he and Nicolas Scarpino toured the country presenting “Poder…se puede.” This is a play in which $10 of the prize of the ticket was donated to LALCEC (LIGA ARGENTINA DE LUCHA CONTRA EL CANCER) and FUNDALEU (FUNDACION PARA COMBATIR LA LEUCEMIA) . In addition to this, at the end of last year all the money raised in a performance was for charity.

What is more, in the summer, he jumped into the sea from a helicopter to catch people’s attention , and then he shot from the top of a building and hung a notice that said: “DONATING BLOOD SAVES LIVES “

Among the latest things that he has done we can mention his climb to the highest mountain in America , the Aconcagua .On a recent occasion while he was making a documentary he realized that it was a good time to promote solidarity actions. At that time, he carried a band to commemorate the 96ª Anniversary of the first blood transfusion.

A few days ago, he collaborated with Patricia Sosa’s foundation who helps Tobas ‘community where Facundo and several actors painted their hands and put them on a t-shirt which will be auctioned on Mercado libre’s web page for food.

To conclude this article, I definitely believe that Facundo Arana is a friend of the world who is always willing to accept a new challenge to collaborate with society.

domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

Facundo Arana: he continues surprising us

By Sofía

This time we are not talking about him because of one of his successful jobs on TV, but because of the things that he does to promote solidarity actions, such as donating blood and organs for transplant. Why is it so important to him? Because these little things can save the lives of lots of people, just as, at a certain point, it saved his life.

When he was young, Facundo had to fight against the Hodgkin's disease, which is a kind of cancer, but fortunately he got well.

Arana in the Aconcagua: Facundo has reached the summit of Aconcagua, the highest mountain in America, with 6,962 metres above sea level. Together with Facundo, the mountain guide Ulises Corvalán, his assistant Hernan Netman and the photographer Pablo Betancourt travelled up the mountain. They also put a flag to commemorate the 96th anniversary of the first blood transfusion. Facundo is filming a documentary that is going to be broadcast on Encuentro channel, showing all the process that he went through to climb the mountain.

His commitment with the people: Facundo has been designated ambassador of the FUNDALEU foundation, which helps the community with the investigation, information and treatment of oncological blood diseases

"Poder Se Puede": It's a play in which Facundo stars, together with Nicolas Scarpino. They travel around the country carrying a message. They want the people know about the importance of the early detection of cancer. Also, they donate $10 to FUNDALEU for every ticket they sell.

These are reasons for Facundo to be admirable. He is a really brilliant actor, quite a gentleman, but most important, he is a very good person.

Juan Sebastián Verón

By Nicolás

Verón was born on March 9, 1975, in La Plata (Buenos Aires). He is a soccer player and he made his debut in First Division in Estudiantes de La Plata Club. . He is 35 years old and he has a son called Deian. Juan Sebastian Veron, an Argentinian footballer nicknamed The “Brujita”, is the son of footballer Juan Ramon Veron “La Bruja”, a football star in the 1960s in the Estudiantes de la Plata that won the 1968 Intercontinental Cup against Manchester United at Old Trafford. Estudiantes de La Plata was the only team who could win a title at that stadium.

As an example of how people can help the world, the Estudiantes team have given toys to the hospital “Sor María Lodovica”. Verón, together with Dr Rivas, gave toys for the leukemia patients.

Verón always thinks of ways to help. He donates 40% of his salary to the amateur football at Estudiantes Club, and he also donated a new bus to the lower division players to use for transport to the matches.

In 2004 and 2005, Verón donated 3 million pesos to refurbish the “Country” (training fields and facilities) in City Bell. In 2006, he bought part of his transfer, and he left the Inter Club and came to play for ``El Pincha´´. In 2009 Verón donated 50% of his salary to improve football player Braña’s contract, and he rejected an offer from Mexico.

Verón decided to receive payment for doing commercials for different products (yoghurt, milk, chocolate milk and desserts) by the end of the year, and donate it to all the lower divisions and children of the institution. For this reason, the Department of Youth Soccer Club thanked the Verón family for a gesture that deserves to be imitated by all the referents in Argentine football teams.

jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

A woman of great heart whose work helps people who nobody knows

By Nazarena

Patricia Sosa, a well-known singer, helps the Native Americans of Argentina, so they can live better. As we all know, she is a famous singer. But one day, she decided to do something more important with her life, something new for her, something that could help others.

Patricia once went on tour with her musicians all over Argentina, and this would be for the benefit of those in need (visiting cities, provinces, etc,). She arrived in the Gran Chaco, and she found a very particular community, ‘’The Tobas’’. This community was like all the Native American communities of today; they needed many things, for example: food, housing and, the most important thing, an IDENTITY.
She chose to help this community because one day she received a letter from them telling her a story.

The story is that the natives were in their villages and suddenly a car passed along the road, but in the car the people were listening to a song: a song by Patricia. The natives believe in the gods of nature, and they then went to consult the God of Fire (which is only disturbed by an extreme need) and they asked him for help. The God said, “LET HELP COME ALONE, THIS IS A FOOTPRINT FROM THE ROAD, A GREAT HELP FOR US ALL.” That's why Patricia was shocked by this story, and decided to help the natives FOREVER with affection, with medical professionals, with food, houses, etc, always doing benefit concerts, raising money, making payments, building schools etc.

We are all from Argentina and have the same rights. The Tobas need the help of someone special as Patricia, and through her, the natives now have what to eat, they have a house, and they have a name .

Scientists from the UNLP make a new healthy ice cream

By Micaela

Researchers from the National University of La Plata managed to create and produce healthy ice creams with phytosterols and omega 3 fatty acids, two factors that reduce the levels of cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular illnesses.

After more than one year, the ice cream will be in the market in the next days. We can get it in four flavours: lemon, strawberry, American cream and “dulce de leche” or milk caramel.

The director of ProPIA (Programme for the Prevention of Infarcts in Argentina), Marcelo Tavella, explained that “we cannot make people stop eating ice cream. But we can make a healthy ice cream”. He also added: “If we want people to have a healthy life and a better diet, we have to provide them with healthy food options everywhere and all the time”.

Seven researchers from ProPIA and from the School of Medicine of the National University of La Plata, along with food engineers from the same university, have worked for one year and a half to develop the product.

“If we recommend people that they take a pill to incorporate omega 3 fatty acids, they probably won’t do it. But few will say no to eating an ice cream,” said Franchini, an ice cream shop owner.

On average, each Argentine consumes between 3.5 and 4 kg of ice cream per year. When the summer ends we expect to increment this figure by 35%. In this scenario, experts consider important that “The growth potential is still large, because we are well below global average ice cream consumption, which is 12kg per person.”

Thanks to these researchers, now the ice cream is delicious as well as healthy.

The most generous couple in Hollywood

By Lucas and Fabricio

Since 2006 until this year, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have donated millions of dollars to different charities.

They are the most famous couple in Hollywood and they are also the most generous. They have a foundation called ‘Jolie-Pitt’ and they help people who really need it. They care about the environment, adoption, fostering orphans, poverty and animals, because everybody needs help at some time.

They have a website ( where you can donate money to help them and where you can see the current projects. For example, now they are doing things for education, healthcare, they want to save Asian elephants, etc.

In 2006 they donated 2.5 million dollars to ‘Medicos sin fronteras’ and the Global AISA Alliance. That same year they helped ‘La Cruz Roja de Namibia’ with 140,000 dollars. Namibia means a lot for them, because their first daughter was born there.

This year they donated one million dollars to help the people in Haiti after the catastrophic earthquake.

But the most important thing is that they have adopted three children from different countries and now they have a wonderful family.

Now, they continue doing good things for people. That’s why we have no doubts that they are excellent persons and that they’re an example to follow.